- T1 Lime Road side Fell the mature lime tree. The crown has been dying back for some years now and upon investigating the base, decay was found under dead bark, the dieback and decay are indicative of Kretzschmaria Deustra but no fruiting bodies are obvious, the decay seems to be extensive soft rot below ground level. The dead bark reveals hard timber, the cambium is gone and the timber is softer the lower one goes. Photo's show the decayed area revealed when the dead bark was pulled away. Pollarding is a possibility to reduce loading on the decayed root system but the likely increase in decay post pollard and subsequent reloading of the compromised root system make me suggest replacement as the most sensible approach, hence we seek to remove the tree
- Hockley House, 313, Park Lane, Poynton, Stockport, Cheshire, SK12 1RJ
- Consent for Works in TPO with Conditions
- 22/0356T