Reserved Matters application for 18no dwellings on Site 1 on outline approval 18/2153N (APP/R0660/W/19/3221564): The development proposed is Development of 12 no. sites for residential development for 112 no. dwellings with means of access and layout included, but with all other matters reserved, for a 10 year phased release and delivery period and associated community betterment (parking overspill next to School, enhanced parking next to Church permissive pedestrian paths, playspace, public access, community orchard, educational contribution and affordable housing)[RE-SUBMISSION of 16/5719N : addition of extra 2.81 ha of land and 10 no. dwellings]

Map showing approximate location: Doddington Estate, Bridgemere Lane, Bridgemere, CW5 7PU
Doddington Estate, Bridgemere Lane, Bridgemere, CW5 7PU

Wybunbury (2011)

Application Registered
Jun. 5th 2024
Target Decision Date
Sep. 4th 2024
Committee Date
Sep. 18th 2024
Site Visit

Case Officer

Gemma Horton


Lady Rona Delves-Broughton , The Doddington Estate

Doddington Park Farmhouse, London Road, Bridgemere, Cheshire, CW5 7PU


Antony Pleasants , Bowman Riley Architects

4th Floor, 8 Baltic Street, London, EC21Y 0UP