Approved With Conditions

Discharge of conditions 4(a), 4(b) & 9 on approved application 22/1413N: The proposal consists of a two storey educational new build to accommodate x8 new classrooms alongside an outdoor dining canopy & 1. the refurbishment of the existing entrance area and x3 classrooms into a new RP unit 2. relocating a new entrance/reception to the south of the school site with entrance canopy 3. and adjusting landscaping accordingly.

Map showing approximate location: Shavington Academy, Rope Lane, Shavington, Cheshire, CW2 5DH
Shavington Academy, Rope Lane, Shavington, Cheshire, CW2 5DH

Willaston And Rope

Application Registered
Feb. 13th 2024
Target Decision Date
Apr. 9th 2024
Committee Date
None - Delegated Authority
Site Visit
Approved With Conditions
Mar. 12th 2024

Case Officer

Philippa Radia


Emma Casewell , Shavington Academy

Shavington Academy, Rope Lane, Shavington, Cheshire, CW2 5DH


Melissa Murphy , 10architect Ltd

12, Hilton Street, Manchester, M1 1JF