Positive Certificate

Application for Certificate of Lawfulness for existing development comprising land used for garden purposes incidental to the enjoyment of the dwellinghouse of Bradley House, Prestbury Lane, Prestbury

Map showing approximate location: Bradley House, Prestbury Lane, Prestbury, Cheshire, SK10 4HF
Bradley House, Prestbury Lane, Prestbury, Cheshire, SK10 4HF


Application Registered
Feb. 6th 2024
Target Decision Date
May. 10th 2024
Committee Date
None - Delegated Authority
Site Visit
Positive Certificate
Jul. 19th 2024

Case Officer

Sarah Bartoli


N Lamb

Bradley House, Prestbury Lane, Prestbury, Cheshire East, SK10 4HF


Colin Williams , The Planning Studio

111 Piccadilly, Ducie Street, Manchester, M1 2HY