Approved With Conditions

Demolition Of Existing Stables And Erection Of Ancillary Living Space To Provide Home Office And Entertainment Space On Existing Footprint At Broad Oak Farm On Peacock Lane In High Legh

Map showing approximate location: Broad Oak Farm, Peacock Lane, High Legh, Cheshire, WA16 6PH
Broad Oak Farm, Peacock Lane, High Legh, Cheshire, WA16 6PH

High Legh

Application Registered
Jul. 18th 2023
Target Decision Date
Dec. 8th 2023
Committee Date
None - Delegated Authority
Site Visit
Approved With Conditions
Dec. 8th 2023

Case Officer

Thomas Higton


James Batt

Broad Oak Farm, Peacock Lane, Peacock Lane, High Legh, WA16 6PH


Material Studio Architects

Jactin House, 24 Hood Street, Ancoats, M2 1DH