
Tree 1 is a pine. The lower branches are catching in the mechanism of the electric gates and will cause damage unless the lower branches are removed to a height above the ground of 10 feet. Tree 2 is a maple and is causing the same problem so needs lifting 10 feet above the ground and reduce the canopy overhanging the driveway. Tree 3 beech reduce the canopy overhanging the garden to allow more light to the shrubs which are dying due to lack of light. Tree 4 sycamore. The tree is diseased at the base and given its height, if it falls, it will go straight through the bedroom. Hence permission to fell. Trees 5 all holly trees. Lift canopy by 12 feet as branches becoming tangled and very low creating no light for ground shrubs and plants. Tree 6 pine branches overhanging garden reduce by 10 feet and reduce the crown by 12 feet as the upper branches are becoming all out of shape. This does not affect the stem of the tree just the higher branches. Tree 7 hazel. Coppice to 4 foot. Signs of tot on central stem. Tree 8 pine. Reduce canopy as lower branches are becoming dangerous and several as large as 6 feet have already fallen off. I believe this is because we have a lot of squirrels and the smaller branches cannot take their weight. Tree 9 sycamore reduce canopy to 30 feet. There is one branch at least 10 foot long which is broken and hanging about 50 feet in the air and only held up by other more flimsy branches. The canopy needs thinning as it is now encroaching on the neighbours buildings. Raising the canopy should help this. Further the willow which is directly underneath is suffering due to lack of light. Tree 10 beech. Again canopy needs lifting to prevent lower branches encroaching on neighbours building.

Map showing approximate location: The Waterside, 12A, Kershaw Grove, Macclesfield, SK11 8TN
The Waterside, 12A, Kershaw Grove, Macclesfield, SK11 8TN

Broken Cross And Upton / Macclesfield Parish

Application Registered
Jul. 6th 2023
Target Decision Date
Aug. 30th 2023
Committee Date
None - Delegated Authority
Site Visit

Case Officer

Alvin Dunn


David Northrop

The Waterside, 12A, Kershaw Grove, Macclesfield, SK11 8TN