T1. Large Beech rear left corner of the property. Reduce the upper (garden side) edge of the crown by 2 m, reduce longer laterals in the upper section of the crown back in line with the lower limbs. Shorten lower limbs by 1 m to the point of the previous reduction. Reason: to reduce overhang and control canopy size garden side. T2 Beech group x2. Read right hand corner of the property. Reduce the front tree in height by approx 3 m and reduce the rear tree to a corresponding height. Reason: To maintain a low canopy cover rathe than the trees growing into and filling the space. T3 Sycamore. Rear of the large Holly rear right corner. Reduce top growth back to the point of the previous reduction. Reason: To maintain size, reducing as previously undertaken. T4. Sycamore rear right corner of the garden. Reduce in height by approx 2.5 m and prune to shape. Reason: To control canopy size/height T5 Holly rear right hand corner of the garden. Reduce and shape the top of the tree to produce a more rounded top and shape the sides as required. Reason: To shape and control size.