Part Approved/Part Refused

Discharge Of Conditions 1,7,11,12-14,17-20 & 23 On Application 19/3889N: Outline Application For The Erection Of Up To 55 Dwellings With Associated Works (Access To Be Considered With All Other Matters Reserved).

Map showing approximate location: Housing Development Site, Arthur Price Close, Winterley
Housing Development Site, Arthur Price Close, Winterley

Haslington (2011)

Application Registered
Mar. 15th 2023
Target Decision Date
May. 10th 2024
Committee Date
None - Delegated Authority
Site Visit
Part Approved/Part Refused
May. 8th 2024

Case Officer

Gareth Taylerson


Amanda Blinkhorn , Duchy Homes Limited

6550 Daresbury Park, Warrington, WA4 4GE