Approved With Conditions

The Proposed Development Comprises Five Detached Five-Bedroom Houses Arranged On A Short Private Driveway Which Links To The Access Road Of The Development To The North.

Map showing approximate location: Coppersfield, Church Lane, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 2LQ
Coppersfield, Church Lane, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 2LQ

Sandbach Heath And East / Sandbach Town PC

Application Registered
Apr. 7th 2022
Target Decision Date
Nov. 4th 2022
Committee Date
Aug. 2nd 2023
Site Visit
Jul. 12th 2022
Approved With Conditions
Feb. 26th 2024

Case Officer

Philippa Radia


Steve Binch

C/o Agent


Tamsin Cottle , Green 4 Architects

Hopwell Hall, Derby, DE72 3RW